How do Pick Up Artists do it!?

The legend says that the first Pick Up Artist who was good with the ladies was without a doubt no other than Giacomo Girolamo Casanova himself!

The man was born in 1925 and he died in 1998, and in that period he had more women than you can possibly imagine.

From his autobiography, it is clear that Casanova employed many tactics which are still being used by Pick Up Artists today. For example, Casanova was a big proponent of subcommunication, writing that “a man who makes known his love by words is a fool.” Casanova also believed in being present in the moment and charming women with his attentiveness.

But what makes an successful Pick Up Artist in India truly successful?

I think to answer this question, first we need to realize the goal of the Pick Up Artist. Men who read PUA techniques have, to some extent, realized that they are not getting the level of success they want in the dating area, and therefore want to take corrective action to reach these goals. The real underlying goal of the Pick Up community is to improve a man’s confidence and teach him to be a more effective leader and communicator.

While many people get caught up in the individual techniques, if you break them down to their essence, they simply teach men to communicate the way a confident, interesting, self-assured man would. We’ve all heard that women find confidence sexy, and these techniques are a way for someone self-conscious to start projecting an image of confidence in the social world. Subsequently, women find this really attractive.

Let’s just briefly look at few examples you can use in real life situations or in your online dating app to get better results.

Be unique and stand out from the crowd

This is really important. Do you think Casanova was unique and recognizable in his time? The dude was a legend. His attitude was unique and his charm was like no other. Just think of this next time when you message someone. Is this message exactly like the ones she can get from any other guy?

The NEG (playful insult)

The Neg or backhanded-compliment is really just being playful. It’s not actually intended to hurt anyone’s feeling, it’s just a basic component of effective flirting. It’s no different than getting lightly punched in the arm by a girl on the playground who had a crush on you when you were a kid. She’s just showing interest.

Peacocking (wear something unique)

The concept of Peacocking is simply a way to stand-out from the crowd and display a bit of your unique personality.  A way to say “this is what I like (or what I’m about) and I don’t need anyone’s approval” Confident men, who are used to having success in social situations have been doing it for ages. Just look at celebrities, what they are wearing… (I should add, confident women are notorious for this as well).

Have a purpose in your interaction

Women who are intelligent, successful, strong and independent have already had more than enough men approach them without a purpose.

Unlike Pick Up Artists, a lot of people in society drift through life with no clue of what they want to do in life. They live their entire lives with little to no direction. They have no idea what to expect from the girl and in which direction the interaction should go.

A Pick Up Artist is like a man in his art, he pursues it without fear. He knows exactly what he wants, her! And he knows how to get the girl. She sees that even if he stumbles in his routine he recovers with humor instead of wilting into a shy little boy. This interaction, which took courage and intellectual skills to accomplish is very memorable and attractive to a super intelligent lady. It stands out among the other 82 males that tried to attract her with unoriginal requests for her number that same afternoon.

So to summarize, specific Pick Up Artist techniques are simply a way to get people started in the dating world. Think of them as social training-wheels. People who stick to this, over time begin to internalize the underlying confident sub-communications and traits, until eventually they actually become confident, interesting, and effective social beings. Ans this is, how anyone can be successful, even with online sex apps (find good ones for India here: